Tips & Tricks to Improve your Mac Performance

During “these” times of WFH, our ultimate rescuer is a smooth, faster, and easier running Mac system.
Well, it’s designed to be!
But what happens when your Mac starts to work slowly and sluggishly-not performing at its optimum level?
Lappy Maker has jotted down a list of amazing tips and tricks that will help you to improve your Mac performance.’
Let’s dive straight in!
Shut-off necessary apps!
The best way to start this list is by making sure all the unnecessary apps-which you don’t even use nowadays are closed and don’t drain your system energy.
Glance at the “Dock” and check for dots underneath the apps. Any icon with dots underneath is running simultaneously.
You can also use “Cmd+Tab” to bring up the “App Switcher” where you can tab through to check which apps are open.
To shut these apps off:
Right-click on the icon (with dots underneath) and select “Quit” or “Force Quit.”
If you’re using “App Switcher,” press “Cmd-Q” against the app.
In case nothing is working, click on the Apple logo at the top-left and click “Force Quit” against all the apps you think are slowing the system.
Identify the memory hogs in the background.
Some apps are power mongers compared to other apps. These apps drain the system resources, and you don’t even know they exist.
Click on in the “Utilities” folder (Finder>Go>Utilities) and then click on “Activity Monitor.”
This “Activity Manager” pops up a screen that shows CPU, Disk, Energy, and Network-and gives you real-time information about these data.
Click on the following menu to check which apps are goggling up a lot of CPU, space, energy, space, and memory.
Once you find it out, select the particular app, and click on the “x” on the left of the “Activity Panel.” You can also select “Quit” and force the app to stop.
Important Tip by Freaky SEO: Some apps may be consuming more power due to some pending updates. Take note of that!
Sort out the syncs!
If you trust only iCloud, smart choice! If you are syncing files and photos across multiple devices, your system must be slowing down syncing them in the background.
If you use iCloud Desktop, try to store documents and files that you don’t need frequent access to-this will make your system work fast-rather than waiting for them to sync.
In case you use iCloud Photos- turn off the iCloud Photos sync on your Mac-which will definitely make your system faster and save a lot of space.
Upgrade your Software!
This is definitely a no brainer! You need to keep up with the hardware health to get a performance boost and take full advantage of your Mac.
Click on the Apple icon on the menu bar and choose “Software Update.”
Go to “App Store” and click on “Updates otherwise.”
Important Tip by When you’re updating your system hardware, make sure it is plugged into the power.
Empty your Safari Cache!
Over time, your Safari builds up and gets clogged with data, ultimately slugging your Mac.
You need to clear the cache and free all those unnecessary storage to speed up your sullen browser.
In older versions, go to Safari, click on ‘Reset Safari’, and Remove all the Website Data.
In the latest version, open preferences, click on the Privacy icon, and then select ‘Manage Website Data’ and then click on Remove all the caches and cookies.
Before we end!
Mac is designed to make work faster and smoother for the user.
Over time, the system gets clogged up, which makes it slow and sluggish.
But our tricks and tips can help you revive the original speed and performance of your Mac in just easy steps.