Why to Choose IrisVision Low Vision Aid – A Complete Irisvision Reviews

Why Choose IrisVision?
Iris Vision Reviews:
IrisVision is a new wearable low vision technology that utilizes the current Samsung virtual reality headset with special software that is unlike anything on the market. Along with software platform that allows new and innovate upgrades to be made now and for the future. This is the newest assistive technology for persons with low vision, backed by research from many prestigious universities and recently also backed by the National Eye Institute, part of National Institute of Health.
Simple to use, IrisVision offers large screens with sharp vivid color, a wide range of magnification, auto focus capabilities for near, distant and intermediate tasks – all with a much larger field of view than any current device on the market.
The software platform will continue to open a world of possibilities for the future including movies and media content, rehabilitation training software, and even medical monitoring of vision for patients to connect to their doctor via telemedicine.
IrisVision is currently offered at prestigious medical universities such as Johns Hopkins – Wilmer Eye Institute, Stanford University – Byers Eye Institute, UC Berkeley Low Vision Clinic, University of Florida as well as UCLA – Jules Stein Eye Institute. Irisvision has over 75 resellers in the US and they recently launch their product in Australia and in Europe.
What is Low Vision?
Low vision is a visual impairment that cannot be corrected with standard eyeglasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery. With low vision, activities like reading, shopping, cooking, writing, and watching TV may be hard to do. It is a term used to describe significant visual impairment.
In the United States if your visual acuity is 20/200 or worse, then you are legally blind. Most people with low vision are age 65 or older. The leading causes of vision loss among older adults include age-related macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. With the aging of the population, the prevalence of these diseases and conditions is on the rise.
If you have Low vision that would make it difficult to:
• Recognize faces
• Getting around the neighborhood
• Sewing or fixing things around the house
• Selecting and matching the color of clothes
Who is The Founder of IrisVision?
IrisVision was founded by Dr. Frank Werblin, an MIT graduate, Guggenheim fellow, and professor at UC Berkeley. For 40 years, Dr. Werblin has dedicated his life to studying the retina and developing a solution that the millions of people suffering due to low vision could afford.
Dr. Werblin began this project 5 years ago with the intent of providing a low cost, highly functional device to the low vision community. The low vision community is not well-served with technology. When a low vision patient visits a clinic the prescription is either a magnifying glass or a text reader that projects the image onto a large monitor.
In other words, current technology confines the low vision patient to a visual bubble that extends no further than the reach of his arms. Dr. Werblin wanted to bring the low vision patient back into the visual world. He wanted the low vision patients to be able to recognize expressions on the faces of their grandchildren across the room.
Find items on the supermarket shelf. Read the music while playing the piano. Play cards with other adults and children.
Dr. Werblin during his time as an undergrad at MIT, and a biomedical engineering PhD student at John Hopkins, made many of the fundamental discoveries of how the retina works.
Moving to the neuroscience department at UC Berkeley, He worked on devices to restore vision to the blind by inserting chips into the eye, and by inserting genes into individual neuron types in the retina. According to Dr. Werblin.
“As you can imagine, these techniques are generally extremely expensive, involve teams of psychologists, engineers, and molecular biologists, and are extremely invasive. Due to their nature, they’re typically only offered to the almost-blind, and will be beyond the means of most people.”
He realized early on that there was a much larger population of low-vision patients who could benefit from an inexpensive, non-invasive device to help them see. The Samsung Galaxy S6 and now Galaxy S7 have made this possible on a worldwide distribution level.
Irisvision, with the help of partners at Johns Hopkins, The Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind, UC Berkeley, and other giants in low vision science, research, and recovery, IrisVision is now the realization of that lifetime of work. Dr.
Werblin and his team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in low vision solutions, and are proud to be able to do that through collaborations with both the best vision scientists of our time and the technology of industry powerhouses like Samsung.
What Differentiates Iris Vision From Other Low Vision Aids?
Today’s standard low vision aid is a CCTV (closed-circuit television) device with a mouse-like scanner that magnifies text for reading. These are stationary devices that can only be used in a fixed location, such as at a desk. On the other hand, IrisVision lets you see everything as you can take it everywhere.
IrisVision provides a 70-degree field of view – wider than any other low vision device on the market.
Iris Vision’s bubble view allows you to zoom in on regions of interest in the scene while keeping the overall scene in context. Other low vision devices only magnify what you see, so you might experience the “telescope” effect where you enlarge an area but lose a sense of the overall scene.
Iris Vision is an all-in-one device that eliminates the need to use multiple low vision aids, such as CCTV viewers, handheld magnifiers and reading glasses.
Clinical settings, made possible through partnerships with both Samsung and the low vision experts at Johns Hopkins, allow each IrisVision device to be customized according to its user’s unique needs. No other low vision aid provides such a customized experience.
Who are Iris Vision Glasses Research Partners?
• UC Berkley
• The Chicago Lighthouse
• Henry Ford Health System
• New England College of Optometry
• Stanford University
• University of Florida
• National Institute of Health
• John Hopkins school of medicine
How Much Does Irisvision Cost?
IrisVision retail price is $2500.
IrisVision Reviews:
“I have been visually impaired for 17 years. It stemmed from an accident and progressed into Macular Degeneration. When I lost my sight I lost independence at the early age of 50. The IrisVision has been a rebirth of my sight. It would be the equivalent of giving a person who could not walk a wheelchair or a person who could not hear a hearing aid.
It has allowed me to see my loved ones’ faces which I have not seen in 17 years! When I saw my grandson, I could see the ketchup on the side of his mouth. I said, “did you have ketchup and fries for lunch?” The potential for the IrisVision is tremendous.”
Lou Tompkins, 68. Macular Degeneration:
“Having the Iris Vision device really changed my life. It was as if the whole world opened up to me. It was incredible to be able to see the masters again, Van Gogh in Amsterdam and Picasso in Paris. It’s like getting back a part of my life that’s incredibly important to me. I honestly think I don’t want to be without them.”
“My name is Lannie Dennis. I would like to thank the people who invented Iris Vision glasses. These glasses have really changed my lifestyle. Not only I can see better but I can read a book. I used to use depend on my Kindle Tablet to make the letters bigger. Also, my grandson who plays football, lacrosse, and basketball, people would say there he goes, he made a touchdown.
But I couldn’t see him. But now I can enjoy his games. I can now see my Pastor, not only listen to him but see him. Also at meetings, I can see speakers clearer. The Lord has blessed me with these glasses and to connect with Iris Vision glasses. The reps are always patient with me professional and always answer all of my questions. I thank God for them too and also my Low Vision Optometrist Dr. Azman and the Low Vision Specialists of MD & VA for showing me these low vision glasses for watching tv.”
Why to Choose Iris Vision Glasses Youtube Videos?
2- Introduction to IrisVision
3- IrisVision Demonstration Video