Android OS Still Dominates Market But iOS Is Growing

Apple’s iOS is gaining market share against Android, according to a new report from research firm IDC.
In its latest Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, IDC found that Android OS devices still outpace Apple’s iOS in terms of market share. However, Apple’s smartphone shipments grew by 37 percent year over year during the third quarter of 2016. The iPhone maker shipped a total of 78.3 million units during that time period, compared to Samsung’s 71.5 million and LG’s 39 million smartphones shipped worldwide.
IDC said this was driven by Apple’s launch of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in September 2016. That said, IDC noted that Samsung still holds the lead in the worldwide smartphone market with a 22 percent market share during Q3 2016 — up from 21 percent during the same period last year. Samsung shipped about 20 percent more smartphones than Apple did during Q3 2016: 82 million units compared to 78 million units for Apple.
The latest data from Mixpanel shows that Android OS devices are still far ahead of their competition when it comes to global market share. In fact, they have been since the beginning of 2015. However, Apple’s iOS has seen significant growth at the expense of Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and other platforms.
Mixpanel tracks over 4 billion actions per day across 20 million mobile apps, which allows them to generate some interesting insights into how people use their smartphones. Their data shows that in May 2016 there were 1.3 billion Android devices in use globally (up from 1.1 billion in December 2015).
Now, we will discuss the differences between iOS and Android:
iOS vs. Android
iOS and Android have been around for years, and they’re still going strong. Both operating systems are incredibly popular among consumers and developers alike, so it’s no surprise that there are quite a few apps available on both platforms. In addition to apps, there are also many websites that offer services or content online.
The main reason why people love iPhones over Android phones is that they have a better user experience. The iPhone has an intuitive design that’s easy to use without having to consult a manual or guidebook every time you want to do something new or unfamiliar. You can simply slide your finger across the screen or tap on an icon and get things done easily without any complications whatsoever.
Is Android better than iOS
The choice between Android and iOS is a matter of personal preference.
Android and iOS are the two most popular mobile operating systems in the world. They’re both great, but they’re also different. You’d be forgiven for mistaking them as being the same thing, but they both have their own pros and cons.
iOS has better security features and it’s easier for developers to develop. The interface is also very easy to use, especially if you’re used to an iPod or iPad.
The main advantage of Android is that its open-source, which means that any developer can look at it and modify it as they wish. That’s why there are so many different versions of Android (HTC Sense, Samsung TouchWiz, MotoBlur).
Difference Between Android and iOS
The most important difference between Android and iOS is their size. The Android OS was designed from the ground up to run on a wide range of devices with varying hardware capabilities, while iOS has been optimised for specific hardware configurations and works best on Apple’s own devices.
That’s why iPhones tend to be more expensive than other smartphones on the market: they’re more expensive to make because Apple has to design them specifically for its own hardware. In addition, iPhones are locked down so you can’t download apps outside of Apple’s App Store or even use third-party keyboards (like SwiftKey). That means they’re less customizable than Android phones, which can run any app you want as long as it doesn’t violate Google’s terms of service.
What Makes iPhone Better Than Android
The iPhone is the most popular smartphone in the world. There are many reasons for this. The iPhone has a better user interface, more apps, and is easier to use than any other phone on the market.
The iPhone also has better security than Android phones do. This is due to Apple’s strict policies on what can be installed on the device and what features are allowed in apps.
The best feature of an iPhone is that it has no bloatware at all. This means there is no pre-installed software that you cannot uninstall or disable. Other phones come with lots of junk apps that take up space on your phone and slow down its performance.
iPhone 14 Release Date
The iPhone 14 is expected to be released in September 2022. It’s not yet clear if there will be any changes to the overall design of the iPhone 14. However, there could be a few minor tweaks including a slightly thinner profile than previous models.
Best Buys
The best buy iPhone mini is available in many colours and comes with a 1-year warranty like iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 13 mini. Apple has a lot of iPhones to choose from: the iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6S, for starters. If you’re looking for the best unlocked iPhone of one of these phones, you can buy it directly from Apple or through online shopping. The best iPhone to buy is the iPhone 8 Plus. It has a larger screen than the iPhone XS and it’s cheaper, but it still has all of the same great features.
Final Words
The fact that Android devices have increased in popularity yet again is not surprising, given the sheer number of devices and new users that are coming out every year. What is surprising, however, is that Android still dominates the mobile OS market at the expense of iOS. No matter how many new libraries, tools, or integrated development environments come out for iOS or how hard Apple marketing pushes their products, Android claims a larger portion of the market, and it continues to do so in a way that will be tough to reverse.